- Physiotherapy
- Therapeutic Massage
- Dorn/ Breuss Spinal Therapy
- Reflexology
- Meridian Massage
- Acupuncture/Acupressure
- Kinesio Taping
- Spine Alignment
- Crystal Healing
Dorn / Breuss spinal therapy
The Dorn concept is an alternative, holistic therapy used to correct misalignments in the spinal column and other joints. It is the gentler associate of chiropractic and osteopathy, similarly intentioned but with different application. It was developed in the 1970s by Dieter Dorn.
Dorn uses a non-manipulative approach to correct such problems. Corrections of joint or spinal cord misalignments are done in a moving action. According to Dorn, our muscles always try to hold the positions of the joints and spine, and when they are out of order the muscles assume this ‘wrong’ position as the correct one and hold it there. A static correction, such as that used in chiropractic therapy, is difficult because it needs to overcome the strength of the holding muscles, and because the patient is often tense since the treatment is done ‘on’ him and not ‘with’ him.
The gentle Breuss massage is utilized in conjunction with the Dorn method so as to relieve any tension that could hinder bone alignment. Austrian healer, Rudolf Breuss, developed the massage to regenerate intevertebral discs (fibrocartilage lying between adjacent vertebrae in the spine). Basically, the discs act as shock absorbers during our daily activities, becoming traumatized as some of their lubricant escapes, thus making the discs thinner. The massage, like sleep, regenerates the lubricant, destressing the spine and oneself.
The Dorn concept is an alternative, holistic therapy used to correct misalignments in the spinal column and other joints. It is the gentler associate of chiropractic and osteopathy, similarly intentioned but with different application. It was developed in the 1970s by Dieter Dorn.
Dorn uses a non-manipulative approach to correct such problems. Corrections of joint or spinal cord misalignments are done in a moving action. According to Dorn, our muscles always try to hold the positions of the joints and spine, and when they are out of order the muscles assume this ‘wrong’ position as the correct one and hold it there. A static correction, such as that used in chiropractic therapy, is difficult because it needs to overcome the strength of the holding muscles, and because the patient is often tense since the treatment is done ‘on’ him and not ‘with’ him.
The gentle Breuss massage is utilized in conjunction with the Dorn method so as to relieve any tension that could hinder bone alignment. Austrian healer, Rudolf Breuss, developed the massage to regenerate intevertebral discs (fibrocartilage lying between adjacent vertebrae in the spine). Basically, the discs act as shock absorbers during our daily activities, becoming traumatized as some of their lubricant escapes, thus making the discs thinner. The massage, like sleep, regenerates the lubricant, destressing the spine and oneself.

I am a hcpc registered and chartered physiotherapist with more than 25 years clinical experience.
Drawing on my extensive holistic knowledge and experience, I offer a very high standard of hands on treatment, lasting from 45 minutes to 70 minutes.
This results in faster recovery and fewer repeat visits.
With each treatment I give advice on general health and well-being, management of the condition, with the
emphasis on self help. Self- referral is common but it can also be via GP or other health professional.
I have specialist skills in the diagnosis and treatment of musculosceletal disorders. I use manual techniques including massage, gentle manipulation and mobilization to restore joint movements and ease pain.
Physiotherapy, therapeutic massage, manual therapy, reflexology, dorn/breuss therapy, spinal alignment
Drawing on my extensive holistic knowledge and experience, I offer a very high standard of hands on treatment, lasting from 45 minutes to 70 minutes.
This results in faster recovery and fewer repeat visits.
With each treatment I give advice on general health and well-being, management of the condition, with the
emphasis on self help. Self- referral is common but it can also be via GP or other health professional.
I have specialist skills in the diagnosis and treatment of musculosceletal disorders. I use manual techniques including massage, gentle manipulation and mobilization to restore joint movements and ease pain.
Physiotherapy, therapeutic massage, manual therapy, reflexology, dorn/breuss therapy, spinal alignment